
  • Providing Ideas and Mentoring for New, Exisiting or conceptional businesses

    There to help make your business ideas succeed through our network of sector experts.

  • Your personal sounding board

    Providing experience based thoughts on your ideas or concepts before moving on to the next stage.

Mentoring for all stages of business

Wanting to be your own Boss

Be serious. Is this really the right dream for you? Not everybody can make that leap of faith.
We want to guide you and sit with you for as little or as long as it takes, for you to make the right choice for your future. It might take just an hour – go do it! Or it might need a little more insight and discussion.
Either way – we have done it, and we know how to recognise and help you also to do it.

Starting with an Idea

Your idea needs to work. We will evaluate your thoughts, your plans, and map that out into a practical RoadMap. We can help you avoid both the mistakes that everybody else can make – and also avoid the things you frankly do not need to do. And we do it at minimal cost for you!

Changing your business

Every business has to grow. And what was perfectly suitable all those years ago when you first started – may not now be relevant. There will be new issues. We will guide you on that journey, introduce you to relevant Partners when necessary, for however long you need us

Low Cost Mentoring for new, small and medium sized business –
professional, fast, affordable


Low cost, means low cost. Business Interlude is a simple monthly fee, where you have unlimited online chat access to all of our Team. This includes our team of Business Sector Mentors, who are there to help you formulate your plans, at whatever stage of your journey. Our unique App means we are available any time you have a great idea or query that you want share.


Stay with us as long as you like, or as short as you like. You can ask us questions on any matter, simple as texting a friend.

And you can retain our deeper services to do extra tasks – such as; research on your key market; placing you into strategic meetings – whatever you the k you need for a short term. These are at extra cost, and we w


You can never have enough experience. We and our Mentoring Team have experience in hospitality, leisure, manufacture, distribution, planning, marketing and retail, to mention a few sectors. Your questions go into a group where mentors with experience in your sector can respond or invite other mentors as required to assist you.

Monthly Plan
£50 *
Monthly Subscription * The first payment includes admin fee of £50 making the first payment £100
Subscribe Now
6 Month Subscription Plan
6 Monthly
6 Months subscription * The first payment includes admin fee of £50 making the first payment £325
Annual Subscription Plan
£500 *
12 months of Mentoring with our Annual Plan. * The first payment includes an admin fee of £50 making the first payment £550
1 Hour Extra One to One Time
One Off
(Current Members Only)
For active members to Purchase One to One time by the hour as required want to develop and discuss ideas more fully. This is delivered through Zoom or Phone.

4 Easy steps to success –
The process is quite simple

1.) We get to understand your idea or business.

On signing up for our subscription service, we firstly get you to tell us about your idea or your current business. This helps us assign the best mentor or team of mentors to offer ideas and suggestions for you to consider.

This involves filling in a number of questions, the sort of questions asked by consultants and investors. We have found this in itself is a useful process and it can help formulate your own ideas, and allows us to gain a better understanding of what your needs are.

This is then followed up if you request it with a zoom or skype meeting to answer any initial questions and confirm the information that you have provided.

2.) We then through our Chat app become you critical friend or business mentor.

Understanding what you are tring to achieve we can use our extensive network of mentors to help you build and impliment your plans or make changes to your current business.

Our low cost subscription service opens you up to a wealth of experience. Our mentors are a combination of consultants, business people with their own business who wish to sare and support others. We all have a love of making ideas and businesses succeed, as we were once where you are now.

3.) You get a ideas and an independent Sounding board for improvements to existing businesses or to help start you new enterprise.

It does not matter if you have a small business already and are looking to impove, we have offer ideas through actual experience that go across more than one sector. As we know business is more than just getting customers or clients, it is marketing, supply chain, computer systems, websites, etc.

Everytime we support one of our members with their ideas, we gain more knowledge to share on the systems and procedures that work. Our mentors can assist you by not only listening to you but also in researching and understaning what solutions may help you. We are learning all the time, that is the definistion of experience.

All ideas are treated in confidence and not shared outside your immediate mentors.

4.) Tackle the challenges with more confidence.

We are there to give you confidence in what you are trying to achieve or present. You may not always agree with our suggestions, but if they make you stop, take a break (or Interlude) and consider your ideas that can be all the difference between success and failure.

Great ideas evolve with input.

As we can understand your business we can help in reviewing your business plans or presentations before you put them in front of your target audience be it investors, the bank, suppliers, colleagues or friends

A little bit about us
and how we can work with you.

A team of mentors covering all Sectors

  • Retail
  • Hospitality.
  • Leisure.
  • Manufacture.
  • Distribution
  • Consultancy

What do our subscribers want out of us.

  • I want to be my own boss. I have an idea but do not know where to start.
  • We want to expand our business.
  • We need new ideas.
  • We want to build our customer base.
  • We are looking to purchase an existing business.
  • You want to explore new markets.
  • We need investment in our business.
  • We need to cut costs.
  • We need to improve on what we do.

Businesses come in all shapes and sizes


Get in touch

For more information please feel free to contact us below.

Stand out from the crowd